8 Days of Hanukkah Scripture Reading Guide

8 Days of Hanukkah Scripture Reading Guide

Hanukkah Reading Guide: 8 days of Devotionals for Historical and Scriptural Learning The story of Hanukkah teaches us about a small group of men led by the example of their patriarch Mattathias, and then his son, Judah the Hammer (Maccabee) who were dedicated to God,...
Grafted In Israelites

Grafted In Israelites

One of the biggest doctrines of believers in Yeshua (Jesus) is that once we become believers we are “grafted in” to God’s family. We become children of God. Once we are in the family, what is expected of us? What are Dad’s house rules, and do...
Did Jesus Die on Good Friday?

Did Jesus Die on Good Friday?

Three Days and Three Nights, the sign of Messiah Did Jesus (who’s Hebrew name is Yeshua) really die on a Friday? Why do Christian churches teach that Jesus dies on Friday and resurrects on Sunday? One thing that always bothered me about Easter was that we know...
Nazarenes, Netzarim and The Way

Nazarenes, Netzarim and The Way

What is a Nazarene, who are the Netzarim, and what is the sect Paul calls “The Way”? In my search for more information concering these and a million other questions I had concerning scripture writings I came across the following information. I could not...